
You can never know everything there is to know about genealogical research. Even if you could somehow keep up with all of the technological advances, all of the latest databases, all of the most recently published sources, there are always novel approaches to research dilemmas, innovative techniques to sample and, more creative spellings to try. With that in mind, the Genealogy Center strives to offer exciting classes, seminars, and conferences to help you improve and expand your research.

In the winter months, November through February, we offer WinterTech, classes offered on the afternoon of the second Wednesday of each month, coinciding with the monthly meetings of the Allen County Genealogical Society of Indiana, held at the library in the evenings of the same days.

In March, we shake off the cold by offering March Madness, Genealogical Style, a week of classes, tours, and seminars to put the Spring (get it?) back into your genealogical research.

April through September, we offer conferences, two day seminars, or lectures every month.

We fill every day in October, Family History Month, with all manner of opportunities for expanding your research horizons.

Look for posts about upcoming programs, and keep an eye on our Special Programs page.

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